Friday, December 2, 2011

How much better is the iphone 3Gs compared to just the iphone 3G?

You can get the iphone 3G refurbished for around $50 so i was wondering if the 3Gs is worth the $250 extra.|||It is much faster. The problem is that AT%26amp;T's network may not always be able to support the data requests so you will get more waiting and lockups.|||I personally do not think the 3gs is worth upgrading to if you already have the 3g. The main new features are: faster processors, magnetometer(digital compass), voice control, way better camera (video, 3.2MP, autofocus), accessibility(for the visually or hearing impaired), nike+iPod(for running).You can get the 3.0 (currently 3.1.3) OS free if you have any iPhone.

I am personally waiting until summer when apple will probably release the new iPhone, which apparently Steve Jobs said was "an A+ upgrade". Can't wait!|||the 3gs is just a software update from the 3g, the 3gs also has a video camera as well as the regular still camera. and also if you want the 3gs best buy sells the refurbished for 150

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